Analyze regions on your screen and visualize a luminance histogram in real-time!


Histogrammer is a Windows OS desktop application designed to help you analyze and visualize the luminance histogram of selected regions on your screen in real-time. With its user-friendly interface and multiple features, Histogrammer is an essential tool for photographers, graphic designers, and anyone interested in screen analysis.


User-friendly interface: Histogrammer is designed to be easy to use, allowing you to analyze screen regions quickly and efficiently.
Region selection: Define the area of your screen you want to capture for histogram analysis.
Real-time updates: View the histogram of the selected region in real-time, with options to refresh manually or automatically.
Notes functionality: Add notes during your analysis and save them for future reference.
Show saved notes: Review your saved notes anytime in a separate window.
Customizable ROI entry: Manually enter the ROI coordinates or use the selection tool to define the region.
Start and stop analysis: Control when to start and stop the histogram analysis with simple buttons.

How to Use

Download the Histogrammer application (.exe).
Open the application and set your desired Region (ROI) by entering coordinates or using the “Select ROI” button.
Start the histogram analysis by clicking the “Start” button.
Choose between manual refresh, auto-refresh, or both for real-time histogram updates.
Add notes during your analysis using the “Notes” button, and review saved notes with the “Show Notes” button.
Stop the histogram analysis anytime by clicking the “Stop” button.